This past winter, Tim took a voluntary pay cut at his job.
He opted to work in the office one day less per week.
He did it because he is a leader. He did it because he is a dreamer. He did it because it is what is best for our family.
He now works Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Thus, he is off every Monday, Friday, and Saturday.
If I ended my post right there, I would get comments like, "I wish my husband could do that" or "It must be nice to have that kind of financial freedom." So I think I need to clear a few things up.
We make less money than almost all of our friends. In fact, most of our friends make DOUBLE our income...sometimes TRIPLE. [I'm not exaggerating].
I AM grateful for our financial freedom: the freedom to be wise with our resources. We don't have cable or Tivo or dish or Netflix. We rarely eat out. We don't take weekly (or, even monthly...) trips to Target, the mall, or the dollar store. We don't buy toys or lattes at Starbucks. We don't have a huge house or a maid or magazine subscriptions. We don't have new cars and we seldom buy new clothes.
BUT - what we do have is each other. We have walks in the neighborhood. We have hikes in the forest. We have picnics in the grass, long talks in the moonlight, and pancake breakfasts on leisurely mornings. We have dancing in the kitchen, laughing in the living room, and reading in the bed. We have opportunities to spontaneously help others and to listen to each other. We have - US.
I am not sharing this because everyone should do what we did. I am simply telling you that it is GOOD to dream - it is good to take risks - it is good to let go of some things in favor of better things. It is very, very good.
Have you or your husband ever turned down pay or power in the workplace in order to spend more time with your family?