We'll be roadschooling this year.
Yesterday, I made a list of the things I want to teach my girls:
I don't have a curriculum picked out or anything like that. Most curriculums are too curriculum-y for me - dot the i, cross the t.
Besides, I'm always trying to figure out how to teach them the more important things too. Like how to LOVE learning, how to ask good questions, how to enjoy good books, and how to be brave for great causes. I want them to have the knowledge that they are uniquely beautiful, highly capable, and intimately loved. I want them to have compassion for people and confidence in their ideas. I hope that they will learn how to be discerning about how they spend their time and WHO they spend it with.
I am keenly aware that it all begins with who I am, what they see in ME - when no one else is around.
Often, I feel inadequate (I AM inadequate).
Yet deep in my heart, I know that this is my calling. I am their mother. They are my children. We are learning together...(making mistakes together too). This is the school of LIFE. No desk-sitting necessary.