This afternoon, we skipped through the revolving door of the Gail Borden Public Library in a suburb near Chicago. The girls and I are enamored by libraries - and our eyes sparkled in this one.
The entrance was grandly themed like the renaissance with costumes to try on, an old-time kitchen with pretend food, a blacksmith shop, and more. A child's imagination is bound to come alive in such a place.
The children's area was equally entrancing with visual book displays aplenty, a play area, a puppet theater, and a free craft area. In addition to books, the library offers toys, games, and dozens of puppets for check-out.
There was also a section specifically for Job Hunting, a cozy fireside reading room for adults, glass-encased study carrels, an ultra-cool teen zone, and an on-site cafe. Truly a reader's paradise!
AND the library hosts picnics on their lawn! Families bring their own dinners. The library provides beverages, dessert, and entertainment. Superb!
It was pretty close to being perfect. My dream library, however, also has (1) a slide to enter the kids' area, (2) a costumed staff - dressed as storybook characters!, (3) a multilingual area for kids - with second language classes!, and (4) Kindle books for check-out.
What is the best library you have ever been to? What programs does your neighborhood library offer? What would your DREAM library be like?