Lately, I've been thinking about greetings.
We, as adults, tend to be so boring and "cool" when we run into people. "Hey, how's it going?" we say with a subdued smile. Then, we say non-definite statements like, "let's get together sometime..."
But small children do things differently. They don't contain their excitement when they see their favorite people. They smile. They beam. They stop everything that they are doing to run to the door, to tell you all about everything you've missed. Then, they will take your hand and guide you to their room or the backyard or the kitchen table to play right then and there.
That kind of greeting warms my heart every time, makes me feel so incredibly...Important. And loved.
I know it's a little bit different for adults, seeing that we have Responsibilities and Calendars and Appointments. We can't just drop everything in favor of play all of the time.
That said, I definitely want to be more cognizant of the way I make people FEEL when I meet/greet them. I want the people that I interact with to walk away feeling...Important. And loved.
I think I'll begin by taking cues from my kids.