For two weeks this summer, I dreamed in red, green, and yellow - the colors of the Bolivian flag. I googled images of the country, watching the mothers carry their babies on their backs with wide-brimmed hats on their heads.
Tim & I were recently invited by World Vision to be on a team of bloggers traveling to the country at the end of the summer! We were delighted, thinking about what it would be like to brush up our Spanish and soar over the skies.
We wrestled over it (we so wanted to go!), by we ultimately declined.
It would have been too hectic to drive full speed ahead in our RV back to Arizona. It would have been more change for our girls, who have already had a hefty amount of change in the past 6 months. It would have been 8 nights away from our favorite faces.
Our 4-year-old was very much a part of these conversations, listening as we listed the pros and cons. When we told her we decided not to go, she asked matter-of-factly, "But who will help the Bolivia kids?"
Children always have the very best perspective: Who will help the children indeed?
I explained that there were other bloggers...and then I realized that I had the answer all wrong. WE will help the children, I told her. We can pray. We can give. We can remember them - the children of the world who need us.
Have you followed any of the bloggers who have gone abroad with World Vision or Compassion? How many nights have you spent away from your kids?